Workshops on Healthy Indoor Environment
11 March 2019

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The GGD Zuid Limburg (NL), the Agentschap Zorg & Gezondheid Vlaanderen (BE), Logo Limburg (BE) and euPrevent (EMR) have started a Euroregional project on a healthy indoor environment.

On average, people spend 70% of their time in their own homes. (source: RIVM) Good air quality, also in rental properties, is therefore very important. The ‘Healthy Indoor Environment’ project maps out the problems experienced by those involved and the methods already in place to realise healthy indoor environments in rental homes. The existing knowledge and experience from Belgian and Dutch Limburg is exchanged and bundled.

In the spring of 2019, three workshops with tenants and three workshops with professionals (employees of housing associations and municipalities) will be organised in both Dutch and Belgian Limburg. During these meetings the participants are asked what a healthy indoor environment is for them, what problems they experience, what the motivation is to do something about these problems and what is needed for this.

Would you like to know more about this project or participate in these workshops? Contact us at